ReCODE and The BREDESEN Protocol
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most significant global health threats we face today, It is fast becoming a worldwide epidemic and is a worrying prospect for an ageing population. Did you know that over two thirds of Alzheimer's patients are women? We now understand that Alzheimer’s disease is not a genetic destiny and that treating and possibly reversing this disease can happen with the appropriate intervention.
The Bredesen Protocol is a comprehensive personalised nutrition and lifestyle programme designed to improve cognition and reverse the cognitive decline of early Alzheimer’s disease. It was designed by Dr Dale Bredesen, an internationally recognised expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases.
Kate is one of only a handful of UK based practitioners that is both IFM Certified and has successfully completed Dr. Bredesen's innovate RECODE training. She offers two packages to implement the Bredesen Protocol for patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). She and her team offer a six month and year long supportive programme that identifies the underlying drivers of cognitive decline and addresses them using a functional medicine model.
The ReCODE protocol is based on scientific research that has led to new insights uncovering the physical mechanisms behind the erosion of memory seen in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis. Dr. Bredesen's has spent 30 years scientifically studying the processes involved in neurodegeneration and has opened the door to new approaches to treating what was once thought as untreatable conditions. In fact, science is telling us, these mental health ailments are not just treatable, but preventable in the first place.
Our COGNITION Packages
We are delighted to offer three packages of consultations for you. We have two signature BREDESEN Protocol packages, depending on the level of support that you require. We also offer an OPTIMUM COGNITION package that combines elements of Kate's Dr. Bredesen's work and also Dr Datis Kharrazian's training. We know that in order to improve cognitive function, finding your underlying physiological imbalances through your medical case history, physical nutrition exam and targeted laboratory tests, is key. However, the success of your programme depends on how well you can enjoy the process of implementing the nutritional and lifestyle changes that are required to change your physiological biomarkers. We have found that regular coaching sessions and check ins with our BREDESEN Team, with either Kate, Suzy or Jo, to keep you motivated and on track is is vital to the success of your programme. Six Month Functional Medicine Package This is a six month programme of support including the initial in person clinical assessment and report, two follow up consultations with Kate and three support consultations with either our nutritional therapist, Jo, or our health coach, Suzy. Further consultations and protocol implementation sessions can be added to this package. Twelve Month Functional Medicine Package This is a twelve month programme of regular support including the initial in person clinical assessment and report, five follow up consultations with Kate and six support consultations with either our nutritional therapist, Jo, or our health coach, Suzy. Optimum Consultation Consultation Package This is  is a perfect package of functional medicine support if you want to work with Kate over a 4-6 month timeframe on any aspect of your cognition. Full details, including prices of these packages and exact consultation length can be found here.
Due to clinic capacity Kate is unable to take Bredesen patients for her signature 6 and 12 month packages currently
IFM Certified Practitioner
Kate is an IFM Certified Practitioner, Registered Nutritionist (mBANT) and Registered Nutritional Therapist.
Kate has completed the Advanced Clinical Training in Dr. Bredesen's protocol, 'Reversing Cognitive Decline' with the Institute of Functional Medicine.
Kate is the lead clinician on Bredesen and Optimum Cognition Programme Packages.
Initial consultations will only be in person with Kate at her Bath or London clinic.
All initial consultations with Kate are 2.5 hours long.
Dr. Ruth
Dr. Ruth is our medical advisor. She is a brilliant conventional medical doctor, experienced in the functional medicine approach, having trained with the Institute for Functional Medicine in America. Dr. Ruth has completed the Advanced Bredesen Training.
Ruth advises on medication and prescriptions and can carry out medical examinations, where necessary.
Dr. Ruth provides medical support and advice concerning patient's existing medications.
Dr. Ruth conducts medical reviews where necessary and can provide prescriptions for our patients.
IFM Certified Health Coach
Suzy has trained with IFM as a health coach and loves delivering the support to patients following the Bredesen Protocol.
Many of the recommendations that underpin the Bredesen Protocol are dietary and lifestyle based. Behavioural change is hard without support and this is why it is essential to work with someone who can support and advise regularly.
Suzy coaches patients regularly via Zoom video consultations between appointments with Kate.
Please see our two types of Bredesen Consultation Package