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Super Simple Saturday Soup

You don't need to be a cook but just possess a pan, a blender (hand held one would do) and a few ingredients.

For this simple recipe you don't even need to possess any scales.

Throw into your pan

3 handfuls of red split lentils

2-3 cloves of garlic

1 onion (quartered)

4 carrots

any other veg ( I threw in some cabbage and a celery stick)

at least 2 litres of veg stock or bone broth (or a GF veg bouillon stock cube)

1 tablespoon of medium curry powder or turmeric powder (or a bit of both)

pinch of rock salt

Boil everything up and simmer for 45-60 minutes.

Take off heat and blend.

You can whizz up some extra raw vegetables up at the end if you want for extra thickness or have any more vegetables to use up. I added some watercress

Simple. No fuss. Easy. Real food.

Enjoy your Saturday!


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